LUSH Ocean Salt Face and Body Scrub is like a blast of salty, citrusy refreshment! I love this scrub for exfoliating my body; it's particularly good at removing the bumps on the backs of my arms. It smells really fresh and I can definitely detect the lime but not in an overpowering way. The large and small salt grains really get the job done and leave my skin feeling incredibly soft. I personally love a body scrub that isn't overly oily because it keeps my tub from turning into a dangerously slick highway to hell, and I just prefer the feel of clean skin. The inclusion of coconut oil and avocado butter leave my skin feeling hydrated post-shower, without any oiliness.
I find the large salt granules a bit too rough for use on my face. I prefer something with finer grains for a gentler exfoliation there.
Ocean Salt has a beautiful, lightweight consistency chocked full of exfoliating salt grains.
One of my only gripes about this product is the price. You don't get that many uses out of the $21.95 USD 4.2 oz pot when you use this as a body scrub before you're close to hitting tub.
Performance-wise, Ocean Salt is up there for me with my #1 favorite body scrub, Soap & Glory's The Scrub of Your Life. If you like serious exfoliating power in a non oily scrub, you'll probably find something to love about Ocean Salt.
My Rating: B+
Cost: $21.95 for 4.2 oz
Where to Buy: LUSH
Hey Kristen, I'm glad to hear you like this one! I got a little sample a while ago, but I can't get past the scent! This is my problem with most Lush products though. It's a pity because many seem to really like them!
ReplyDeleteI remember loving this too when I tried it! I gotta get some more. I like non-oily exfoliators too!
ReplyDeleteYou got me at citrus! I've never been taken with Lush, because the store makes me sneeze like crazy. Also, it's not available in my country, so I'm safe from these lemmings, in a way :-)
ReplyDeleteHow long can you keep it before it expires? I know the with the Lush face masks it's a month, and I never manage to finish them in that time...
ReplyDeleteIt's good for 14 months so you could definitely use it up within that time! I have the same problem with their face masks, but I still love 'em. I just wish there's was a way to order them from the website!
ReplyDeleteI could see not being too thrilled with the sneeze attacks, lol! And yeah, it definitely helps that it's not sold there making it much less desirable! The citrus is really nice, and I do love that this one isn't oily.
ReplyDeleteLONG LIVE THE NON-OILY EXFOLIATORS! :D I'll never forget how hard it was to clean the tub after I used an oil-based body scrub from Burt's Bees. Also, I nearly broke my leg from the tub being super slick! Have you ever tried Soap & Glory's The Scrub of your Life?! Girrrrl, if you like non-oily exfoliation, you have to put this one in your shopping cart. It is bomblicious.
ReplyDeleteI totally understand that! Scent is a big deal! Have you ever smelled the MAC Mineralize Volcanic ash Exfoliator?? Now *that* took me some getting used to! It's almost like something I would have cooked up in my kitchen when I was a kid! Quite strange!
ReplyDeleteNope! I know it's the HG scrub for many but I don't use scrubs anymore. Now that you've mentioned the smell, I'll take a whiff next time I'm in a MAC store!
ReplyDeleteWhen you said about bumps on the back of your arms, were you talking about Keratosis Pilaris? If so, I'll hunt this thing down! I've been suffering from it since I moved back to the States. :(
ReplyDeleteGood to know, thanks!
ReplyDeleteYes, ma'am! That is exactly what I mean! This scrub definitely helps, but the best thing I've ever used is the Soap & Glory Scrub of Your Life. That stuff is INCREDIBLE!