Sunday, September 13, 2015

Beauty Influencer’s Sunday Column Vol.15: ​​How do you overcome blogger’s block?

BISC Vol.15 Group 1
How do you overcome blogger’s block?
BISC Vol.15 Group 1
LILY | Malaysia | Chloe Ash
When I have blogger’s block, I usually just go offline for a while and enjoy what reality has to offer. For me, personally, the block is because I’m uninspired, and maybe a little burned out. A break is usually a welcome, and most of the time, it takes shorter than expected to get some inspiration to write again. Nowadays however, I have content to write, but just don’t have the time to do it. That’s entirely another type of block. LOL!
ANNE | Germany | Linda, Libra, Loca
I don’t think I ever experienced a severe case of “bloggers block” (knock on wood!), but I have had days where I am completely exhausted and lacking all inspiration. To keep up with my schedule I plan my posts three months in advance, rotating beauty, skincare and random stuff so I don’t get stuck in a rut. And if life gets in the way I still have quality content prepared to see me through at least a week or two without the pressure of having to write, which is the best way to get all inspired again.
TRACY | USA | Swaybeauty
I actually hit a wall about a month ago due to beauty overload. I took a little break and started my “Married to a Chef” series. Having those posts at the ready lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. After the first two went out I found myself more at ease and able to refocus my attention back to beauty related posts. I think taking a break is so important for your mind, body and spirit. I don’t think you should ever have to apologize for doing so because after all we’re only human.
KRISTEN | USA | Glambunctious
I just take a break.  Sometimes it’s a a few days away from social media, or a week off from blogging.  I focus on other areas of my life and when the magic returns, I get to writing!  I don’t really think of it as a block or lack of inspiration; it’s just a time where my brain power is needed elsewhere.
SHEILA | Canada | Maddy Loves
I generally have “moments” of inspiration and then I write, write, write, often several blog posts in one sitting. It’s really hard to motivate myself to write if I have writer’s block, so I generally go away and do something else, or I scroll through my folder of folders of stuff I need to review, hoping to get some inspiration. I might also read other blogs, hoping I’ll get bitten by the writing bug. If all else fails, I might just give up. Blogging is a hobby anyways, so I try not to stress myself out too much by it!
JAA | Thailand | Hello Jaa
I usually just let it be. Sometimes I even think of it as a blessing because I’ll have more time to spend with my friends and family doing “life” things. I’ll try to stay off social media, too, if possible. I find that when I’m happy, I’ll have a lot of energy, and ideas will flow naturally. I also find it easier and more fun to write about things I’m genuinely happy and excited about! :)
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